
Every Wednesday we train from 18.15 to 22.00. Our trainings occur in four different time slots. 

At the trainings, we start with some warming up, after which we do different exercises and often end the trainings with matches against each other. We have people of all levels, so everyone can play on their own level and get better.

After every training, you can find us in the sports pub. Come join us for a drink!

Good to know

Training sign-up

You can find all the information you need about signing up for the weekly training in our group chat!

Training on your own

As a sports rights holder, it is also possible to book a squash court for yourself. This is a great way to practice your squash skills outside of our trainings. Go try it out with a friend, or ask in the group chat if anyone wants to join you on the court!

You can reserve these courts via MySCB, where you will need to log in with your WUR account.

We train at the four squash courts at Sports Centre de Bongerd. 

Want to learn about the rules of squash? Click below!